Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Josh Rubenstein’s Weather Forecast (Aug. 28)

STUDIO CITY ( — Warm weather will still dominate our inland areas for the next couple of days.

A high pressure ridge is centered over Colorado and it’s expanding to the west. This is supporting the warm weather and also giving us a little off-shore flow. It also increases the fire danger across the Southland with low humidities.

Temps stay above average for Wednesday, however we may say a surge of tropical moisture with lift in the atmosphere. That will increase the humidity and give us a chance for a thunderstorm. By Thursday and Friday a trough moves into the west coast and will cool us off just a bit. However, it is a brief break from the heat as the ridge of high pressure will once again drift back to the west Sunday and into next week.

Coast-low 80s
Basin-low 90s
Valleys-low 100s
Deserts-low 100s
Mountains-upper 70s to low 80s

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