Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Caught On Tape: Security Guard Shoots At Would-Be 7-Eleven Robbers

HAWTHORNE (CBS) — Authorities have released dramatic security video of an armed security guard firing at two would-be robbers who took on a busy 7-Eleven in Hawthorne.

CBS2 and KCAL9 reporter Rachel Kim spoke to Nelson Vasques, the security guard who opened fire.

Police said one of the would-be robbers waved a large silver handgun at customers and employees ordering them to the ground.

A second suspect jumped over the counter.

Clerks told Kim they have a security guard in the store at night because it gets very busy and they also sell liquor after 2 a.m. They were all glad that guard was there on Sunday night when the two brazen robbers walked in around 10:40.

The would be robbers didn’t see a uniformed Vasques standing near the front door near the magazine stand.

Vasques said, “I saw a big gun. And I heard one of the guys scream, ‘Give me the money.’

Vasques says he then pulled a weapon and told the suspects to freeze.

They didn’t freeze, in fact, one of the gunmen pointed his gun at Vasques. The gunman froze, thought better of getting into a gunfight and ran out the store with his accomplice. But not before Vasques got off one shot.

He tried to hit one of the men in the leg but missed. The suspects fled without firing back.

Vasques says he’s never had to fire his weapon while on duty. And when Kim asked him if he was scared, Vasques didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” he said.

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