Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Josh Rubenstein’s Weather Forecast (Aug. 3)

STUDIO CITY (CBS) — Expect some cooler temperatures across the region Friday.

The marine layer will run just a little thicker and burn-off will be a little later. The High pressure ridge that was parked over California will be nudged to the north and then to the north. It will be replaced by a trough that will encourage the marine layer.

There is some mid-level moisture moving through the area and that will translate into partly cloudy skies Friday afternoon. As the trough swings into the west coast, the models indicate a little instability. That would mean the moisture and lift in the atmosphere could bring us a thunderstorm in the mountains.

The chance for a storm will stick with us through Saturday, before things settle down a bit on Sunday. Then next week the High pressure that has been parked in the midwest will expand towards California bringing us a toasty work week. Valleys will probably reach into the 100s.

Beaches – low 70s
Basin -upper 70s to low 80s
Valleys – low 90s
Deserts – near 100
Mountains – mid 70s

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