Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Group Warns That Some Back-To-School Supplies Might Be Toxic

A report from the Center for Health, Environment & Justice says many back-to-school supplies are potentially toxic to kids. (credit: CHJ.org)

A report from the Center for Health, Environment & Justice says many back-to-school supplies are potentially toxic to kids. (credit: CHJ.org)

LOS ANGELES (CBS) — The Center of Health, Environment & Justice is out with a report Sunday suggesting that many back-to-school supplies might contain toxic chemicals.

They released a report that said 75% of supplies they tested in a laboratory had dangerously-high levels of toxic phthalates.

CHJ found the chemical in school supplies bearing the popular characters Dora, Spiderman and Disney favorites, among other.

The chemical, already banned in toys,  was found in many vinyl products including  book binders, backpacks, lunch boxes, 3-ring binders, raincoats and rain boots.

The American Chemistry Council says there is no evidence the chemical has harmed any humans in fifty years. But the CHJ says Phthalates have been linked to asthma, ADHD and birth defects.

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) wants to extend the ban on Phthalates to include school supplies.

For a link to the report, click here.

For a pdf, outlining how to buy PVC-free school supplies, click here.

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