Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Josh Rubenstein’s Weather Forecast (July 23)

STUDIO CITY (CBS) — Other than some cumulus development over some mountains, the monsoonal flow is staying to the east.

The high pressure will intensify somewhat over the next couple of days moving overhead. This will squash the marine layer down. Expect morning low clouds at the beach, but as you make your way away from the marine influence its going to be warm.

Valley temperatures will hover in the upper 90s while the basin stays in the low 80s and at the beach temps will only top out in the low 70s. This may be one of those weeks where we talk about how hot it is inland, but folks in the basin say “what’s the big deal?”

By the end of the week, the onshore flow strengthens and we will cool down in our valleys with more of that marine layer pushing inland. By next week the high builds in again and it looks like we’ll be seeing hot temperatures again.

Beaches – low 70s
Basin – low 80s
Valleys – upper 90s
Deserts – near 100
Mountains -mid 70s

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