For women, walking in high heels can be scary. For men, women wearing high heels that look like weapons may be even more terrifying.

Dutch designer Iris van Herpen's latest footwear line, recently featured on Fastco Design, likely has men around the world shaking in their boots.

Mixing high-fashion with high-technology, the 27-year-old designer used 3-D printing and carbon fiber to create the "Thorn," 7.4-inch heels with four different types of hand-cut gemstone "teeth": Labradorite, Tiger’s Eye, Leopard Jasper and Moss Agate. The shoes are the artist's sixth collaboration with footwear brand United Nude. Previous collaborations have sold for over $1,000.

Perhaps van Herpen's eclectic footwear creations should be no surprise as she frequently designs clothing for quirky stars like Icelandic singer Bjork and pop sensation Lady Gaga.

You can check out some of van Herpen's creations for United Nude below. Would you buy them?